
Woven Skull & Core of the Coalman

Woven Skull & Core of the Coalman
Feathered Coyote Records, 2013 
(limited edition tape)

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At first glance this tape reminded me old release by Polypus Acephalous, but closer listening has brought more light on this collaboration. Actively touring irishmen and american living in the Czech met to do some improvisational acoustic noise, field recordings, chattering and squeaking. Perhaps, all musicians is doing it during the gatherings, but not all of them can do it so good, that recorded material will be interested to someone except themselves. This tape is versatile, dynamic and enthralling. Free folk rowdiness here was strung on a rod of common rhythm and pulse. No matter what sounds at the moment, every sound is confidently soldered into the overall scheme of the thousands details that seem to be random only at first glance.

Under the joyous slovenliness you can find meditatively soothing calmness, which grows on the flip side of the tape. And yeah, absolute climax of the album is the epic twelve-minutes long Prague Is Grand When You're Drunk and Irish. I think this composition doesn't need any comments. Woven Skull usually play in the woods and bogs, on the margins of Irish villages, so there is nothing strange about absolute anti-urbanistic feeling of their music. It is organic and ringer as the morning air over the creek, and the Core of the Coalman sensitively delving into the mystery of magic happening, intertwines abrupt, but still relevant sounds to the overall picture. Nature shouldn't be stopping in the static of the single moment, because its essence - in motion, growth and breath. Same can be said about the music in the broadest sense. Is why, no matter how rattled and whimsical music is on this tape, its true face will always be somewhere nearby, peeking out from the nearest bush, bending as vine branch on the balcony, sprouting blades of grass between the floorboards. Birth of life from chaos - an illusory paradox, because chaos is life at its maximum.

listen / buy at bandcamp

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