Stag Hare
Angel Tech
Space Slave, 2013
С самого первого знакомства со Stag Hare после выхода его альбома Black Medicine Music этот проект стал для меня эталоном яркого, жизнерадостного дроуна. Музыка, на которую всегда можно положиться. Какими бы не были погодные условия и настроение, Stag Hare всегда приносит с собой тепло, свет и что-то магическое, спиральными потоками вибраций закручивающееся вокруг головы. Впоследствии у меня вошло в привычку называть семейство групп и проектов с лейбла Inner Islands "хиппи-дроуном", ведь это по сути и есть та музыка, которую создавали первые дети цветов, только пропущенная сквозь лесные чащи и морские глубины. Только сейчас в этой музыке не осталось какого-либо выспренного протеста против системы, эмоционального надрыва, только бесконечные мантроподобные медитации, которые создают такое ощущение, будто ты - дерево, которое медленно покачивается на ветру в лучах тропического солнца. А что, собственно, еще требуется?
Музыка, которая согревает тело и душу даже посреди суровой русской зимы.
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Read in English:
From the fisrt encounter with Stag Hare's music (when he released Black Medicine Music) this project became for me a standart of bright, blithesome drone. Music, on which you can rely. In any weather conditions and mood, Stag Hare always brings warmth, light and something magical, swirling around the head like a spiral flow of energy. Later I started to call all Inner Islands bands and projects "hippie drone" because essentially it is the music very similar to what was created by first flower children, only filtered through forest thickets and deep sea waters. But now this music doesn't have bombastic protests against the system or emotional strain, only endless mantra-like meditation that create the feeling that you are a tree, slowly swaying in the wind in the rays of the tropical sun. And what else is needed?
Considering all mentioned above, this tape surprised me at first by changes occurred to Garrick's music - dry drum samples at the beginning, then dub-techno track... It seems that wondrous creature named stag hare was captured, tamed and now it lives not in the wilderness that surrounds Salt Lake City, but in a cozy reserve. However, this is unlikely that it happened by force. More likely that love was involved here - because what besides love can tame wild creature without coercion? Whatever it was, the first perplexity is smoothed fast enough as the music is cluttered with new layers of moss and lichens, spreading fresh buds on the branches and shedding leaves on a land dressed in green grass. All synthetic and urban is covered by the sprawling compositions in which slowly varying mantras and rhythms are lulling the mind, releasing imagination to the landscapes painted by music. Like a dog runaway off the leash, imagination begins frolic in a world where children's voices are indistinguishable from the voices of angels, and now and then in the air you can hear chime of magic bells. By the end of the album all falls into place, and already there is no doubt - we are in the same colorful and iridescently sparkling aural world created by Stag Hare.
Music that warms up body and soul even in the middle of russian winter.
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